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Monday, February 16, 2015


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 SWA / Angolan Border War 1966-1989

Bruno Bubs
Maybe this is not appropriate to ask , if so please delete but just womdering how many of us, from where ever you living now would came and do a 3month stint if we could fix SA , becuase I think thats all it'll take to get rid of all the scam thats invaded our beautifull country.... I know I would and many of my old brothers too, although we're old manne now but I reckon we can still kick arse coz where now wiser and more the moerin. Just LIKE... lets see how many on this site .... SALUTE
Bovenkant formulier
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·        You and 261 others like this.
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 No need to ask this.... Silence is the best answer...
4 hrs · Unlike · 4
 add me 2 that list
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 I will give up all i have....
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 i would.someone must get our country right and it doesnt look as if the anc can do it.we could bring discipline and respect back for sure
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 add me
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 I would too.
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Eks daar!!!!
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 count me in...
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Just say when......
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 To fix the country I would.
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Any time!!
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 I will come back tomorrow!
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Where do we "Rawcall and when i am in"
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 I would
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 When do we start?
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Guys alot of us will be in! Please just be very careful !Be careful not to give away to much,you never now when the enemy is watching you! Remember the Boeremag! You cant trust anybody,hans kakies are every where!!
3 hrs · Unlike · 3
·        18
 I think most of us would like to make this country a better place. The actually question is for who?
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        19
 Count me in
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 Proudly South African. I have and always will support My Country and not a political party or ideal.
3 hrs · Like
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3 hrs · Like
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 This is the thing, I hear what you say Hendrik, but anyone can monitor, gain Intel and info, but if there's no crime, there's no time. So yes boys ek's in!
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 I am in
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Leonard Paul van Tonder sounds like another awb bophutatswana disaster in the making. live with what we got, thers no changing back, if u cant handle africa get out.
3 hrs · Like · 7
·        25
 I'm in!
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Sing me up please.
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
Neels Reyneke Jy wil nou klippe gooi met geen denke nie.
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
Neels Reyneke To leonard paul
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        27
 Leonard Paul van Tonder. With proper leadership ot wpuld not be a disaster. I will commit myself when the leadership and strategy is clear. We have to launch a unit that follow plans and not little groups of which you refer to. If this group runs wild like the AWB did, then I will not go eith it
3 hrs · Unlike · 4
·        28
 I agree with …
3 hrs · Unlike · 2
Rutgert van Huyssteen Good Point Mate....and dont pay your taxes...the ones that you can control.
3 hrs · Like
Neels Reyneke History again PLS. Did you ever heard on the border that the young laaities can not stand together .Jamie you were not there.
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        29
 when and where im in
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 I'm in..
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
 Ja manne be patient our time is coming soon and we will have modern-day weapons there will be big blood shed before we get our country back
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        31
 I will be there as long as we have our leaders with us MEN of note .
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
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 Geldenhuis to lead Salute
3 hrs · Like · 1
 Best man for the job... Waal de Waal de Waal
3 hrs · Like · 1
 1)Start out by setting up leader structures. 
2)Get contacts of personal on another system other than fb to have plans as classified. 
3)Then arrange groups without personal individuals put st ridk before anything vould crash our plsns....See More
3 hrs · Unlike · 2
·        34
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 Where do we sign up, and that's only if its thought through properly. Not like that fool who fell off his horse.
3 hrs · Like · 3
 Jamie I hear what you saying, while there's some truth in it, understand wasn't us that couldn't stand together. It was a political ball that was abused by leadership, the fact is we are leaderless, we don't have any, and no man, country, cult...See More
3 hrs · Unlike · 6
 He is to old!
3 hrs · Like
 I agree.New blood new glory.
3 hrs · Like
 Guys, please be careful ...
We do not know who might be monitoring this.
Salute !
3 hrs · Unlike · 2
 May be Constand for ideas?
3 hrs · Like · 3
·        36
 Hear Hear ...
3 hrs · Like
 Terry now how would you prefer.
3 hrs · Like
 Waal de Waal is the man!
3 hrs · Like
 With this man present, even Koevoet was ashamed!
3 hrs · Like
Basil Grant These facebook idiots removed my comment dumb asses.
3 hrs · Like
 Plz guys. If you arr serious. Use other resources then fb. I posted my email. You will all get in big shit and expose others on this page. Use another source to communicate. I alteady sent my private contact
2 hrs · Unlike · 3
 Neels Reyneke, as far as I understand it, we have our individual e-mail addresses as part of our FB Profiles ...
These will be more secure.
2 hrs · Like
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        37
 Just say when!
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
 I fully agree with
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
 T. Do you not have a separate email that does not run with your fb email?
My # 084
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
 Me too!
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
 Thank you,.
I will respond to the number you gave me.
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
 And, as far as the comments that he is too old, is concerned ?
Surely it is all about strategy !
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
Andre Lerm Dream on!!!
2 hrs · Like
·        38
 I would do it. Just give me a month or so to get fitter.
2 hrs · Unlike · 4
 What… said!!
2 hrs · Like · 1
·        39
 Hell yeah , after being hijacked and assaulted twice it would be great to get this beautiful country back on its feet
2 hrs · Unlike · 3
t Sorry to hear ….. I've been through one and some other .")@)@ but never again.
2 hrs · Like · 1
 Think we need some serious gears to drive us......"RATTE"!!!!
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
Barry John Milne Gents please wake up... The Country is F.....ked up! With these clowns there is no turning back! Been there and got the T - shirt with no result whatsoever.
2 hrs · Like
Cois Conradie Vir die wat die storie ken....
Cois Conradie's photo.

2 hrs · Like · 5
·        40
 Any time
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
·        41
 I'm waiting!
2 hrs · Unlike · 1
 Tannie Mossie!
2 hrs · Like · 3
·        42
 Ek werk vir myself.. Weet nie waar die geld vandaan sal kom om my famielie te onderhou nie.!! Maar as dit 'n beter Suid Afrika kan wees is ek in..
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
·        43
 O jirre jissis, eks in.... gee my R4 en ek begin da wa ek opgehou het.
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
 Maak dit 'n R1 Dan kan jy hom deur ,n muur of ,n boom skiet....!!
2 hrs · Like · 2
 Manne, weet julle wat val my op? Al hierdie kommentare is ouens min of meer 48 en op. As jy so vinnig oordeel op die fotos lyk almal fiks?....bietjie werk....Die kameradie en insig is verstommend! Wie kan so `n trein stop? Kennis is Mag! en asb. die poepol op die perd is iets wat ons moet vergeet! Hulle was net `n klomp Brandewyn drinkers! Nie dat daar fout is met Brandewyn nie....drink dit net na `n job reg gedoen!
2 hrs · Unlike · 3
 Ha ah Rutgert, eks nog onder 48 pappa en ek kan nog n hond uit n bos uit leopard crawl.....
2 hrs · Unlike · 2
 Seker nie ver onder 48 nie? So 45?
2 hrs · Like
·        44
 Say the word guys
1 hr · Unlike · 1
·        45
 Kan nie wag nie
1 hr · Unlike · 1
 Kijikikikikikiki, ko ek stel so, eks n ordentlike vier jaar weg van 48 af, so ek kan darm nog die hel laat draai met n R4 en n paar oortollige patrone......
1 hr · Unlike · 2
·        46
1 hr · Unlike · 1
 Sien Jy...ek was amper reg?
1 hr · Like
 Say the word??????? inklaar tyd dat ons die land regruk wat so in moer is!!!!!!!!
1 hr · Unlike · 3
 Ok Rutgert ek gee toe......
1 hr · Like
 Cheers gents, battery flat, wat het van Riebeeck gedoen?
1 hr · Like
·        47
 Se net wanneer!
1 hr · Unlike · 1
 Will be off line. Recharge phone
1 hr · Like
·        48
 Anytime eks daar
1 hr · Unlike · 2
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 Ons is honderde oud polisiemanne met grensdiens ondervinding,roep net die woord en ek glo almal is daar,want trots en dissipline is mag
1 hr · Like · 1
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 As dit sal werk, is ek in
1 hr · Unlike · 1
·        51
 Jip. Reg vir dit. Ek het klaar begin fiks word. Kop is reg, hart is reg. Ons moet strategies dink. Logistiek, strategiese planne, ens. Ens. Ons grootste bate is ons ervaring en breinkrag.
1 hr · Unlike · 2
 Wonder hoe gaan ons dit doen met Al die loadshedding lol
1 hr · Like
 Of dit tot ons voordeel
1 hr · Like · 2
·        52
 Daar is niks fout met my oë of snellervinger nie! Oud miskien!
1 hr · Unlike · 1
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 Im in
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Anthony Allen's photo.

1 hr · Like · 4
·        55
 Fire with fire.
Werner Zars van Dyk's photo.

1 hr · Unlike · 1
·        56
 No problem. Where are tge mortars ?
1 hr · Unlike · 1
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 Raak fiks.
1 hr · Unlike · 1
 Jap boepens heeltemal te groot te veel brandewyn en bier sal moet afskaal lol
1 hr · Unlike · 1
 Wow.. about 3 hoiurs and we've raised a company of diversly trained soldiers willing to fight for a cause.... I'd be afraid Mr. Zuma
1 hr · Unlike · 3
 Did anybody count how many in favour yes small army in small time imagine what can follow
58 mins · Unlike · 1
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 i'm in
58 mins · Unlike · 1
 With parliament manners we will get far!!
·        59
 Wanneer kan ons begin ?
49 mins · Unlike · 1
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 I'm in. But this time it must be to the end! No politician to sell us out again!
42 mins · Unlike · 3
·        61
 I could still kick some ass
40 mins · Unlike · 2
David Farr there seem to be a lot of folks on this forum who don't have much to lose. This sort of talk should be taken off this forum. Be careful out there.
·        62
 Not under the new flag.
36 mins · Unlike · 1
 Well,I guess basically all of us "ou-manne" can and will still kick ass.I would just like to put a word of caution out there.Do not ever ever put your contact details out,or start correspondence of a sensitive nature on any type of social media platfor...See More
31 mins · Unlike · 3
Russell Wayne Wright Going to take a bit lknger than 3 months...and where would yo get the weaponry and ammo from. Not to mention the medication that most of us must be on by now.
 You have a good point,Russell Wayne Wright.Logistically it is nigh on impossible to start something on short notice.It costs money,and who out there is willing to put his money where his mouth is?
·        63
Stuff the political correctness of saying something right! IM IN!!!!!
24 mins · Unlike · 1
r I don't really give a shit about being politically correct or even just plain polite,but my point is that if we want something to really work out,we cannot afford to advertise our intentions or our locations.Remember the right-wing guys some years ago? Social media and plain damned foolishness sunk those guys.
19 mins · Unlike · 2
 Just like the communists,they mobilised outside of SA and moved when needed from a safe location that they could supply at ease. It worked for them,except this time we d the better trained force coming from that direction.
16 mins · Unlike · 2
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 Im in
11 mins · Unlike · 2
Bruno Bubs OkManne time to tree-uit.... load shedding at 18:00.... in 4 hours 255 manne and 125 comments..... at 20.30 I will be deleting this as I've been warned to watch out... Salute 
9 mins · Unlike · 4
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Dene Graskie Go safe mate.
8 mins · Unlike · 1
Allan Southern Guys you are very close to that thin Khaki line. We can still dish it out, although to be honest a lot of us are a little slower and a lot heavier, however we live in a country where many people would like to point at the old guard and say we are traitors, and getting your name on the list of people to watch, will not enrich your lives in any way. Please be careful.
8 mins · Like · 2
Russell Wayne Wright mmmhmmm....kinda blown the element of surprise I'd say. The hell with screwed by the former government so certainly not putting my hand up to get screwd by the current one. But youall go ahead and grab your ankles. Soowee little piggies....soowee!
3 mins · Like
Hendrik Lacock All ou manne out there take care
3 mins · Unlike · 2
·        Dene Graskie Its not the present government that you d have to fear,you d have the whole Chinese 5th division breathing down your neck protecting their "vested" interest in the country s minerals ect.....
36 mins · Unlike · 2
Anthony Allen Dene now THAT is a very pertinent point.
How long until we start seeing the Chinese military machine in Africa?
32 mins · Unlike · 1
Barry John Milne Please wanna be's you too old , too fat etc, rather look after your Grandkids like I do......
Marthinus Nel Bruno Bubs, hierdie is 'n lewensbelangrike stuk getuienis al is dit ál wat dit is...
Hendrik Lacock Dis n discussion en opinies van n paar manne niks meer as dit nog niks om oor opgewonde te raak nie mense dis n vry land elkeen kan sy 5 cents worth gee
Rutgert van Huyssteen The Chinese Militery Machine is a very valid point!!!
24 mins · Unlike · 1
Marthinus Nel Hendrik Lacock, as 'n kompanie vir jou "'n paar manne" is, dan weet jy nie hoeveel manne daar in 'n kompanie is nie...
Hendrik Lacock Obviously nie lol
·        68
 I would rather Die Fighting to save my country than live another year under the ANC. Sign me up, give me a weapon and i will not falter, Salute!!!
16 mins · Unlike · 2
 Its our Generations Duty to take back and fix South Africa! Otherwise the next generation will be exterminated.
14 mins · Unlike · 2
Marthinus Nel , Life is either WORTH dying for, or it isn't worthwhile.
13 mins · Like · 1
Anthony Allen And would Uncle Sam sit back and let the Chinese waltz in sommer so?
Stanley Norman Morris's photo.

9 mins · Unlike · 3
Marthinus Nel ...en my lewe en my land wás destyds die moeite werd om voor te sterf.
6 mins · Like · 2
Nick Van Deventer Chinese military machine is here...all around us in little shops,waiting and watching.How many of them have you guys seen just in the last month?They are not here to be little cukka-owners,and the plan to infiltrate them was hatched even before '94.
5 mins · Unlike · 3
Marthinus Nel Baie belangrike insig Nick Van Deventer!
2 mins · Like · 1
 Marthinus Nel, en ek voel net so vandag, sos ek daai tyd gevoel het.
1 min · Unlike · 1
·        69
 I will
44 mins · Unlike · 1
… I agree with …!verby!!! Rather die fighting than what we are living for now.Time to stop believing the blatant lies and bull being fed to us.We are a nation intended for total wipe-out,and should learn to mistrust all the liars around us.Hellen kissing crap out of potential voters is a perfect example of how low one can stoop for the power in politics.Her intentions are NOT pure...Klaar en f@kken
44 mins · Unlike · 2
 Verby...I meant t say...
43 mins · Unlike · 1
Nick Van Deventer Ek praat al lankal met die manne oor die ou chinesie opi hoek,maar hulle willi luister nie,Marthinus Nel.
41 mins · Unlike · 1
·        70
 For sure!
40 mins · Unlike · 1
·        71
 Where do we tree aan? I am in Free if charge.
40 mins · Unlike · 2
Marthinus Nel Iedere & elke land & volk wat onafhanklik en hom self wil wees, is vandag onaanvaarbaar vir die gesiglose maghebbers en moet onderwerp word...
·        71
 Saluut ,die tyd het gekom!
38 mins · Unlike · 1
 Manne,ons moet teruggaan na die ou "drop-box"-stelsel van kommunikeer...en saggies fluister en loop...
38 mins · Unlike · 2
Marthinus Nel …, die maghebbers het die "clash of cultures" met die Moslems (kunsmatig) geskep om die mense se aandag af te trek - was daar ooit moelikheid met die Moslems selfs in die ou SA?
… Jy slaan die spyker op die kop,Marthinus Nel!Ek kan nie onthou dat daar ooit moeilikheid uit daardie oord was nie,en sover ek weet was hulle altyd vreedsame mense.Dinge begin duidelik word,en ons moet maar oop-oog slaap en mooi rondkyk.
33 mins · Unlike · 1
 Wat beteken die woord "Guerilla"? Tyd om toe te pas!
32 mins · Unlike · 1
 They are still worried about the brothers from that time! 46 and up
… You are perfectly right …,they still fear us like in the old days.They know we will take only so much nonsense,and that is why they are fight us on economic level in order to impoverish us to the point of acceptance of our fate...
28 mins · Like · 1
 Gotta go guys...Steak is back in a jiffy.
26 mins · Unlike · 1
·        72
 I'm in
6 mins · Unlike · 1
Marthinus Nel Die 2 Anglo-Boereoorloë en die 2 Wêreldoorloë het ons verdeel, maar as daar één ding is wat hierdie Facebookgroep vir my helder & duidelik maak, dan is dit dat die Bosoorlog die Afrikaners en die die Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners soos min ander dinge VERENIG!
3 mins · Like · 1
… Net so,Marthinus Nel!Ek glo saamstaan is nie meer 'n probleem nie.Ieder geval het albei taalgroepe in die laaste 20 of so jaar besef wit is die teiken en nie taal of herkoms as sulks nie.Ja,ons sal saamstaan...en trots wees daarop.My engelssprekende kamerade is ook my broers.
15 mins · Unlike · 4
…and Marthinus.... now we talking the same language!!!
5 mins · Unlike · 2
… Thanks …,The language of mutual survival?
3 mins · Like
Marthinus Nel …, toe kapt André Meier, ons kompaniebevelvoerder op Mahanene, se Buffel omstreeks hierdie tyd in 1979 'n dubbele landmyn op Oom Willie se pad aftrap, het ons die ontploffing duidelik in die basis gehoor en oomblikke later het die Hollander seiner die lapa ingestorm en dit bevestig. 'n Handvol van ons het op 'n Bosvark gespring om te gaan help - op die toneel aangekom, was spr RF van Heerden reeds dood en 'n paar ander beseer waarvan die "medic" Peter Broughton (as ek reg onthou) die ergste: toe die Buffel omgerol het, het dit sy voet binne-in sy stewel geamputeer. Ek het altyd skuldig gevoel daaroor dat hy só 'n hoë tol moes betaal vir 'n regering waarvoor waarskynlik nie eers gestem het nie, maar dit het klaarblyklik nie só gewerk nie...
3 mins · Like
Marthinus Nel ...waarvoor hy waarskynlik...
 Marthinus Nel,dis hartseer.Maar daardie is die dinge wat ons maak wat ons vandag is!Ek dink nie vir een oomblik dat enige van die ANC se militere vleuel ooit daardie tipe van daadwerklike oorlogsituasie ervaar het om daardeur gebrei te word tot van die gehardste en beste Bos-soldate wat die wereld al ooit gesien het nie.Om bomme te plant en te sorg dat jy wegkom,is nie soldaatwees se gat nie...
25 mins · Unlike · 3
… Nick its the language of Patriotism, the love for a country, culture and freedom and security.
23 mins · Unlike · 3
 People,we as a nation have come to a cross-road,and we have to decide on our own future.Like the Irish,the Jews and all other minorities,we will have to stand fast and do what has to be done.Reliance on a political solution is going to have us all dead before we become free again.
4 mins · Unlike · 2
 Either they grant us self-subsistance,or we go the civil war route.Nobody can convince me otherwise.
17 mins · Like · 2
Marthinus Nel na nóg 'n Hollander te verwys: dit was een van Hendrik Verwoerd se belangrikste doelwitte - hy wou die Afrikaners en Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners verenig en hy was goed op pad om dit te doen; nog 'n rede waarom hy geëlimineer moes word...hy was té suksesvol.
16 mins · Like · 4
·        73
 Give me my R4 back
12 mins · Unlike · 1
·        74
 I'll report for duty whenever!
10 mins · Unlike · 2
Petros Kondos There is nothing that anyone can do to fix Africa it broke finally and irreversibly the moment SA fell to the revolution. All that is happening now is the last vestiges of western democratic values are been eradicated.
·        75
 Let's go for it ..,, but I hope you mean really fix it up ..,
9 mins · Unlike · 1
 Marthinus i must of struck a nerve because one of my comments has been deleted
4 mins · Like
Bruno Bubs Ok Manne I said I'd delete this at 20:30 ... we've had our opskop and blood pressure tablets and Braai and lekker gesels... I just need to get an answer from Barry John Milne what you mean by "Please wanna be's you too old , too fat etc"... explain this my brother then I'll delete this post... waiting !!!!
1 min · Like
·        76
 I'm in
1 min · Unlike · 1
Marthinus Nel Petros Kondos, I'm sorry if I upset you but "western democratic values" never existed outside of the old SA - they were an illusion which we wanted to believe.
Marthinus Nel …, laat weet per Facebook boodskap...
5 mins · Like
·        77
 I'm in!
1 min · Unlike · 1
Bruno Bubs Aandag... dis tyd of te gaan BRAAI.... salute to all and we can continue with what this group was intended to be.... remberance and respect of our fallen brothers in arms....
Bruno Bubs's photo.

1 min · Like

Stanley Norman Morris's photo.

7 mins · Like · 1
Bruno Bubs hahahaha... give the man a bells met ys
4 mins · Like

Beautiful Russian Folk Song performed by Kremlin Capella with visual arts by Matthew Schwartz..
·        78
 Count me in, 56 years and still ready to fight. Give rifle and ammo and I am good to go.
Just now · Unlike · 1
Petros Kondos Marthinus Nel no offence taken bud, I just deleted my comment only because I did not like the path taken by this thread. I have my opinions and I am comfortable with them - comfortable enough not to want to debate them. The ideas thrown around on this thread are not the type of thing that I want to be linked to. I think that I misunderstood the come back for 3 months thing. After I read a bit further seems as if some okes are talking war and we all know that is not a good thing. People die in war and there is very little outside of my direct family that I feel strongly enough about to die for (never mind going to war for). I gave SA a really good go when the government changed after 15 years of trying the New SA and 5 years of anger and stress I realised that it was not for me and so did what all of our forefathers did 350 years ago - I packed up and left and now my new country gets my energy and efforts. I respect those that stay and try and make a sucsess and wish them all good things. I could not make it so I left.
5 mins · Like

Onderkant formulier


  1. Ek is net so optimisties soos die manne hierbo maar waar kry ons wapens en ammunisie.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Die belangrikste aspek van die bostaande oefening is vir my die feit dat soveel bosoorlog veterane só gatvol is dat hulle bereid is om openlik in die openbaar, op die ergste "big brother" sosiale medium, Facebook, te verklaar dat hulle bereid is om deel te neem om 'n einde te maak aan die spul en hulle is nie 'n klomp Israelvisie fanatici nie, maar 'n meerderheid Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners.

    Op hierdie stadium van die geveg is my eerste bekommernis dus nié wapens & ammunisie nie, maar hoe ons konfidensieel en veilig met mekaar kommunikeer, aangesien iedere & elke kommunikasie op die gewone maniere gemonitor word - ook hierdie een...

  4. Doen dit openlik. Dit gee meer mense die moed om te doen wat gedoen moet word. En hoe meer Stemme hoe mider die kans dat hulle sal reageer. Moet net nie op hierdie stadium 'n leier aanwys nie. Elke persoon is 'n leier.
