Joerie, joerie, botter en brood,
as ek jou kry, slaat ek jou dood

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Puzzle answers:

How the Babylonian Kabbalah Judaized Christendom

Antidote to your poisoned (American public) school education and solution to the continuing zombie Jewish nightmare 

29th August 2011 

It's all about capturing the paradigm. 
Most people still believe it's progress to profit by deceiving someone, which is why they can actually cheer the deaths of their own sons and daughters in totally bogus foreign wars and homicidal medical experiments. It is the goal of most of the people I know, love and support to overturn this paradigm, despite a majority of people who are their friends all whispering into their ears: "It's too dangerous to confront them directly. Look at what happens to people! So call them Zionists. You won't get killed that way." "Right," I always reply, "and perpetuate the scam." 
Anyone who has ever read any of my stuff knows that I'm rummaging around in the arcane vestibules of history primary to reaffirm and buttress my perceptions of the present, and maybe glean some lesson that someone may have missed that might magically arrest and detoxify our current slide into a meaningless oblivion produced by the powers that be, who more and more seem to be the collective apparition of a species suicide myth, a self-destruct mechanism installed by a poison belief system (the Bible IS kind of like the Israeli Stuxnet virus, now that I think of it). 

Anyone familiar with my work also knows I'm disorganized to the max, preferring to rely on the prevailing winds of the universal vibe to carry me in the direction I'm supposed to go, rather than build up any solid defense of any particular piece of evidence and become the expert on it. I've been tuned into a bigger problem for the past three decades: the dead end street we're on. Back in the 1980s at several alternative newspapers, I used to envision a cartoon of Dan Quayle, the former vice president, in a blue Ford convertible driving over a cliff while singing "Yes we have no potatoe!" Today, it's a much darker image, best not described, because we are living in the days where reality has eclipsed fiction, or perhaps it is more accurate to say the bogus fiction we use as a foundation for our reality is actually collapsing our reality into the giant heap of blood and feces it actually is. 

So, in my disorganization this fine Sunday morning, rather than listen to Hillary Clinton explain how Pakistan doesn't understand U.S. logic, in a random pile of old mail (these from the past ten years collectively total several feet high), I found a single piece of paper with the engaging title "How the Babylonian Kabbalah Judaized Christendom." 

I've often yearned to get the whole story, any story, every story on a single piece of paper for maximum ease of comprehension, and this piece of paper with a thousand years of suppressed and concealed history condensed into a single understandable list a treasure trove for history buffs did that: about a hundred lines of 7 point type in three and sometimes four columns, covering the time from . . . 

1066 Kabbalists sponsor Norman [Guelph] Conquest of England to 2001 Fake 9/11 plane videos launch War on Terror hoax (ADL sics Christendom on Islam). 

I'll let the actual text tell the rest. Each column tracks the parallel developments of three factions: Original Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. 

More importantly, you can copy-and-paste-Google every single item in this timeline and expand your knowledge of the real history of the world exponentially (hint hint). 

This sheet of paper arrived in an envelope with no return address, and it was not revealed to me who the sender was. I only wish to say, "Send me more stuff, please."

First thing you do after reading this list is to email (or write) all your old history teachers, sending them a bill for all the time you wasted listening to them.
Your government, acting on the truculent behalf of the Jew World Order, has created, engaged or otherwise employed the terrorists in all these actions THROUGHOUT HISTORY to further regiment the robotized state they envision controlling, or, better make that, actually do control. And without our knowledge, due to the Jewish educational system whose aim is to create those very robots you and me who play the role of puppets, while they design all the songs and lyrics that we sing.
The one single thing that the American people are no longer equipped to realize is that they themselves have been declared Al-Qaeda sympathizers, and the so-called
U.S. government will deal with them in the way it has always dealt with them, which is so clearly reflected in the policies it has created.

Think you know history. Think again. 

And savor the Jewish flavoring in all of it that continues to regulate and distort every single move we make throughout our lives.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, urging people to understand that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means. 

250 N. McCall Rd. #2,
FL 34223

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