Joerie, joerie, botter en brood,
as ek jou kry, slaat ek jou dood

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Having lived through the fifties, the sixties, the seventies and the eighties, and having been involved in fighting terrorism with Rhodesians and South Africans, I am, frankly, at a loss and waiting for 'the world', its mass media and its political leaders to explain the following:
Algeria, the fifties: Thousands of innocent, unarmed Algerian French slaughtered by Algerian Muslim terrorists. More than 100 000 Harkis, Algerians loyal to France, tortured and murdered, after France had disarmed them.
- No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice.
- On the contrary. They either stayed mom, or found all sorts of excuses for the perpetrators' cowardly slaughter of innocent civilians, or clapped hands, describing them as 'freedom fighters'.
Angola, the sixties: Thousands of innocent, unarmed black and white Angolan Portuguese slaughtered by communist-inspired Angolan terrorists.
- No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
- On the contrary. They either stayed mom, or found all sorts of excuses for the perpetrators' cowardly slaughter of innocent civilians, or clapped hands, describing them as 'freedom fighters'.
Mozambique, the sixties and seventies: Thousands of innocent, unarmed black and white Mozambican Portuguese slaughtered by communist-inspired Angolan terrorists.
- No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
- On the contrary. They either stayed mom, or found all sorts of excuses for the perpetrators' cowardly slaughter of innocent civilians, or clapped hands, describing them as 'freedom fighters'.
Rhodesia, the seventies: Thousands of innocent, unarmed black and white Rhodesians slaughtered by communist-inspired Zimbabwean terrorists.
- No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
- On the contrary. They either stayed mom, or found all sorts of excuses for the perpetrators' cowardly slaughter of innocent civilians, or clapped hands, describing them as 'freedom fighters'.
South Africa, the seventies and eighties: Hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent, unarmed black and white South Africans necklaced, blown up, burnt, murdered and killed by communist-inspired South Africa terrorists.
- No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
- On the contrary. They either stayed mom, or found all sorts of excuses for the perpetrators' cowardly slaughter of innocent civilians, or clapped hands, describing them as 'freedom fighters'.
Rwanda, the nineties: Thousands of innocent, unarmed Tutsis slaughtered by racist Hutus.
- Until the slaughter had run its full course, hundreds of thousands were already dead, and the massacre couldn't be swept under carpet anymore: No global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
Nigeria, the early 2000's: Thousands of innocent, unarmed Nigerians brutally killed by armed Islamist killers.
- No loud global condemnation. No White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". No Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” No French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." No British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. No German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." No Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And no U.N. Secretary-General and no U.N. Security Council loudly and urgently condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
And then, Paris, 2015: Altogether just over one hundred Frenchmen shot and/or blown up by Muslim terrorists.
- NOW, suddenly, this year, there is loud and near-hysterical global condemnation. The media going crazy. The White House calling the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity.". The Indian Prime Minister saying he condemned "the barbaric terrorist attacks... in the strongest terms.” The French President condemning the attacks as an "act of war", vowing that France "will be merciless toward the barbarians...", declaring three days of national mourning, describing the terrorists as "a terrorist army, ... against the values that we defend everywhere in the world..." The British Prime Minister describing the events as 'horrifying and sickening', calling on the British and French people to stand together. The German Chancellor saying "We ... feel so close to you. We are crying with you..." The Russian President writing that the tragedy was "proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism", and that "the entire international community should unite efforts to fight terrorism". And the U.N. Secretary-General and the U.N. Security Council loudly and urgently condemning "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks", demanding that the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts" be brought to justice....
--- The only explanation that even remotely makes sense to me is that, to 'the world', its media and its political leaders, only Europeans count as humans, worthy to get upset about if they get killed. White and black Africans count for nothing. Actually, going on what it has done to Africa, especially Algeria, Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia and South Africa, it looks like 'the world' does everything they can to get them murdered and wiped out or chased out, - especially the white Africans. At the very least, they couldn't care a f@ck about whites or blacks in Africa.
- Then they are surprised that millions of Africans are running away to Europe????
124 people like this.
Justus Rothman Willem wyse woorde!
Flip Theron Hulle is gelukkig nou besig om duisende lapkoppe in Europa in tevoer om oor n rukkie weer ongelukkig te wees waneer markpleine deur selfmoord bomme opgeblaas word.
Pieter De Wet Presies, Kommandant! En nie te sprake van 1000de Israeli's sedert 1948...
Gary Buekes Let them taste their own medicine!
Willie Barnard Ware woorde maar sal vergeefs wag net soos S. A. die muishond is van die wereld sal die wereld ook geen woord of simpatie toon teenoor plaasmoorde En korrupsie ens.
Willie Barnard Indien ons nie uit n magsposisie praat nie sal daar vir hierdie volk geen respek getoon word nie
Izak Muller Vir 'n verandering stem ek heeltemal saam.
Neels van Heerden Yep hierdie klip met die naam Afrika was nog altyd gerieflik vêr genoeg vanaf Europa en ingryping was slegs nodig indien daar goud, diamante, ens. as beloning sou wees.
Joseph Payne Kmndt Ratte waar en wyse woorde
Annemie Bekker Ihlenfeldt Dankie Willem. Jy weet!!!
Marius Smuts Dit is omdat dit nou naby die huis in Europa gebeur en nie meer net doer onder in donker Afrika nie ! Ek is nie verbaas oor die reaksies nie!!!
Piet Uys Willem jy is duidelik n ou wat dink oor dit wat om ons gebeur. Jy het dit alles goed saam gevat.
Ben Booyse Willem Ratte slaat jy daai spyker deur die blok.
Vanadag draai my kop nog. Toe Midde Ooste gemors begin het met "Sky News" wat sien ons!! KRYGKOR wat G5-kanone aan Sadam Husein verskaf!!! Alle blaam en navrae is net so onder die mat geskuif. Met die Hutsis en Tutsis het KRYGKOR AK-47 verskaf/verkoop.
K@k met sogenaamde "blood dymonds". Die regerings wat die wapens verskaf skep die diepste.
Nou die sogenaamde "UN".
ANGOLA was hul wapen "toetsbaan" met diamante en bietjie olie.
Siera Leone, solank olie beskikbaar is sal hul beskerming verleen.
DRK, die langste onder "UN" met minerale.
Soedan weet ek nog nie maar dit gaan uitkom.
Die hoofde van nasies/lande gee nie n duiwel om as daar nie iets beteken vir hul "gatsakke" nie.
Persoonlik lag ek wat in die "liberale/linksgesinde" Europa gebeur met al hul "human rights" gemors. Afrika weet dat daai k@k nie werk nie.
Geweld kan net beveg word met geweld wat tereur sal onderdruk. Ongelukkig die lebirale/"softies" wat veilig beskerm is/was wat f@kk@l weet van konflik, se bekke is die grootste want hulle het nie nodig gehad om in sulke situasies te wees nie. Vandaar ook die "grensvegters/wannabee's" en wat ookal.
Ek glo ook dat WWIII is stadig aan die broei. Die "klimaks" is nog oppad as Europa miskien 8betyds kan wakker skrik want hulle het nie met WWI en WWII nie.
"Suprise is the best way of attack with positive results".

Robbie de Jong RESPECT. Out of the horses mouth. Thank you Commandant, you have spelled it out in its finest detail. Africa, the dumping ground of Europe, and they will never get it.
David Doyle Thank you Sir .please ensure you send the above to all the persons you mention iin any way you can.
David Blyth The Crusades were a just effort to protect the pilgrims in the Holy Land and not the rapacious spree that modern revisionist history claimed them to be.
Learn from history!

Dirk Lamont Baillie Bang on .....Willem Ratte and the best after all the years of "Gat lek en Gat kruip" and support TERRS ........TERROSIUM IS NOW KICKING THEIR OWM ASSES......NO iI have NO sympathy for them......YES its not nice innocents got killed......but as you know look at how those same countries squealed like stuffed pigs when Rhodesia hit back at Zambia , Angola and Mozambique after the shooting down of BOTH VISCOUNTS know Willem as you were they in Afrikaans ....kry vir jou boetie...
Pieter Bezuidenhout Dankie Kommandant!
Mark Louis Botha Because they are arrogant and selective in the issues they want to
address. If it does not go their way oh well just create/start a war.

Gert Rossouw Waar en raakwoorde.
Riaan Naude Die Briite, yanks en Jode agter als, sodra hulle iets wil steel of bemag dan kom dit in media klink gewoonlik soo: holocast, racist, apartheid, dictator, global tread hulle jaag almal op hol en teen daai nasie.
Hans Janse van Rensburg Die sindroom van ontkenning......NOt in my back yard......
Marthinus Nel Beste Willem Ratte
Gaan lees híér as jy REGTIG wil weet hoe die dinge werk:

Trevor Perry So Marthinus can we safely say that evil will always rule?
Marthinus Nel Nogal NIE, Trevor Perry - ons het in die ORSA (Ou Republiek van Suid-Afrika) baie suksesvol daarin geslaag "... to put together [a] little raft(s) of rules and vaguely good intentions...", maar ons is "ge-BMWS" om te glo dat daardie boosste van alle stelsels, te wete sogenaamde verteenwoordigende demokrasie, die oplossing is - deur te stem in 'n algemene verkiesing aanvaar die meerderheid die verantwoordelikheid vir die regering en wat daardie regering doen en is gevolglik blootgestel aan vergelding deur andere en bestaan so-iets soos "terrorisme" nie.

Indien jy dié stelsel bedryf, moet die HELE samelewing hom self voltyds & permanent beskerm soos wat ons inderdaad in die ORSA gedoen het deur middel van, onder andere, diensplig...

Trevor Perry Stem met jou opsomming hierbo, maar noudat ons onder die anc gebuk gaan hoe gaan die klein groepie van ons,,,,, good at overthrowing evil governments,,, rekry, voorentoe lyk maar moeilik die wereld vol vir die goeies
Marthinus Nel Trevor Perry
HEEL EERSTE ons fondamente en vertrekpunt regkry...

Trevor Perry Hoop van harte dit kan gebeur, soos wat ek die jonges bekyk lyk die vondasie maar bedenklik en die oues kan nie oor n vertrekpunt besluit nie, baie ,,,thought provoking,,,, link wat jy vir ons gegee het om te lees
Marthinus Nel

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Thys Eloff Dankie Kmdt.!
Garrett de Villiers Die enigste manier hoe die groter en ekonomies sterker moonthede hulle agterplaas (lees Afrika en ook midde-Ooste) se rykdomme kan beheer en manipuleer, is om te verseker dat puppets daar in beheer is. Enigiemand wat intelligent beheer sou oorneem, is ...See More
Danie En Riekie Schabort Willem jy het die spyker hier mooi op die kop geslaan. Maar ongelukkig is daar so baie van ons mense wat nie van die goed weet nie, jy kan dit nie op TV in 'n sepie leer nie. Verder het soveel sogenaamde Afrikaners al die liberale denke wat oral uitgebasuin word omarm en glo daar is niks wat ons teen die magtige houtkoppe kan doen nie. Om die waarheid te se hulle weet nie meer wat is 'n houtkop nie. Daantjie
Marthinus Nel Beste Danie En Riekie Schabort (Daantjie)

Dis nie soseer dat "...soveel sogenaamde Afrikaners al die liberale denke wat oral uitgebasuin word omarm en glo..." nie, maar dat hulle die BMWS van die Drie-Enige God - Mammon, Sonneskyn en Die Heilige Sport - van die Joods-Christelik-Islamitiese Drie-Eenheidsgodsdiens nog steeds BLY glo...

Mario Nardini Please understand it's another step up the ladder to attaining the end goal of the New World Order.
Danie En Riekie Schabort Now that is the whole truth as we know Pik Bothas party, propable that he and that Mandela hond were the NWO leaders in the RSA. This whole sick setup had more to do with our downfall than the Russians had. At least we knew the Russians were our enemies but the West stabbed us in the back because we wanted them to be our allies and were te stupid to realise their intentions. Daantjie
Marthinus Nel

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Daan Wessels Willem, ek het empatie met jou emosie, ek verstaan nie jou metodiek nie.
Dave Mannall Damn! That's well said Willem.

I note the Mali tragedy didn't cause global FB flag waving either.

Government and media on God's eartg are usurped by evil and negative forces.
Trust in authority eroded to nil.

Mike Rogers Oh no the global warming junket was called ... oh the humanity!

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