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Thursday, May 23, 2013


Cameron The Breathtaking Hypocrite In Wake Of Woolwich Attack

Thursday, 23 May 2013 11:27

This may have been an horrific attack but to hear the holier-than-thou condemnations from Cameron about a 'sickening attack' and 'appalling crime' is both sickening and appalling.
This is the man who ordered and campaigned for the mass slaughter in Libya where horrific murders of this kind became the daily norm and he is supporting the 'rebels' in Syria where beheadings and chopping people to pieces are an almost daily occurrence. He argues for these insane people to be supplied with weapons by the West (more than they already are) so they can be even more deadly.
Cameron said after the Woolwich attack that 'we will never buckle' in the face of terrorism. Well, that's just as well when he has to look at a terrorist in the mirror every morning.
Cameron, Obama, Bush and Blair - terrorists the lot of them and all with the blood of the innocent on their hands on a fantastic scale.

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