Joerie, joerie, botter en brood,
as ek jou kry, slaat ek jou dood

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Bejeweled Pope Says "Look Through The Glitter" Of Xmas

'Yup. He said it.
Merry Cognitive Dissonant Christmas, everyone. Nice message, Rat-zinger, you institutionalized hypocrite.'

Monday, December 26, 2011

D W N I N, I O 1

"Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of neuron activity confirm that the brain is very active during rapid eye movement and yet this is the period when people are most difficult to wake up. Thus, it is known as ‘paradoxical sleep’ ...
... We know so little about what happens in the deeper levels of sleep and non-conscious states in general, as in ‘sub-conscious’. Yet I contend that these are the realms of awareness that drive ‘conscious’ human perception and behaviour. These ‘non-conscious’ levels are also where humans are ‘accessed’ by the multidimensional Control System and we should remember that so-called ‘sub-conscious’ and ‘non-conscious’ levels are actually conscious – everything is. They are just not conscious to what we call the conscious mind, the one that we are aware of during awakened states...
... We operate across multiple levels of reality and we are conscious in all of them. Do we dream in sleep or do we dream when we are ‘awake’? I would say both. It is just that this dream is more vivid and ‘real’ to us at the level of the perception experience known as the conscious mind. So am I ‘dreaming’ a bird in the sky, or is the bird dreaming me? Do these ‘butterflies’ and ‘moths’ exist in the frequency range of my conscious mind, or are they something that I decode in another dimension of reality which ‘bleed’ through in my sleep-state decoding process into this reality for a few seconds before they fade and dissolve as my conscious mind kicks it and locks fully into ‘awaked’ reality?
I have often experienced a loud ‘bang’ at the end of a dream and then another loud bang a second later as I open my eyes in this reality. I have the feeling of crossing through something when this happens. The human body-mind is a potential interface or gateway between many dimensions of reality and can bring through phenomena from one reality to another. It is also the case that electromagnetic projections from another reality into the realm of the conscious mind can do the same."

D W N I N, I O 2

Sunday, December 25, 2011


My de-bekering

Deur Prof. Neels Moolman op 1 Julie 2011


As 16-jarige skoolseun het ek die eerste groot krisis in my lewe ervaar. My pa is oorlede aan maagkanker op 56-jarige ouderdom. Tydens 'n emosioneel belaaide reeks evangelisasie-dienste onder leiding van Ds. Danie Steyn het ek tot bekering gekom en besluit om my lewe te wy aan die verkondiging van die boodskap van Jesus Christus.
Gedurende my tweede jaar op Universiteit (toe was ek al 21), ten spyte van verdere en verdiepende toewyding, verloor ek my moeder aan borskanker. Ek's nou op my eie en sit my studies in die Teologie voort op 'n deeltydse basis. Ek begin wonder en selfondersoek doen. Ek het dan, net soos in my pa se geval met soveel opregtheid gevra dat my ondersteuning-sisteem sou behoue bly. Weereens moes ek rasionaliseer. God se weë is nie ons weë nie.
Weens 'n gebrek aan fondse moes ek voltyds gaan werk by die RGN waar my loopbaan half outomaties dryf in 'n navorsingsrigting. Ek eindig op as navorser in die Geesteswetenskappe by UNISA, trou in 1972 en is die Pa van 'n trotse gesin met drie kinders 'n paar jaar later.
Twintig jaar gelede tref die derde krisis my. My vrou begin 'n buite-egtelike verhouding en wil skei. Vir drie jaar kruip ek letterlik my knieë deur voor God. Ek glo dit wat ek vra, is binne Sy wil want GOD HAAT EGSKEIDING. Maar helaas weereens word my gebed nie verhoor nie. Ons skei. Ek's weer baie gelukkig getroud nou al vir 21 jaar. Drie maande gelede kry ek 'n e-pos van my eks-vrou waar sy sê dat ons egskeiding die grootste fout was wat sy in haar lewe begaan het.
Bostaande gebeure is kortliks die omstandighede wat tot 'n dieper besinning oor Godsdiens in die algemeen gelei het. Ek het gevind dat rasionalisasie 'n besondere sterk rol speel binne gelowe indien gebede nie verhoor word nie. Al word die verhoring van gebede belowe en dit gebeur nie, word daar gerasionaliseer deur te beweer dat God beter weet as jy en dat Hy net die beste weet wat goed is vir jou. Waarom het God my dan 'n gesonde verstand gegee? As dinge wat ek vra toevallig realiseer, het God my gebed verhoor, PRYS SY NAAM. As dit nie realiseer nie, aanvaar dit HY WEET ALTYD BETER.
Ek kon nie die saak hier laat nie. Vir die afgelope 20 jaar het ek my eie navorsing begin doen. Hierdie dokument maak nie daarop aanspraak om 'n akademiese dokument te wees nie. Die inhoud is wel verkry vanuit akademiese dokumente wat verslae is van wetenskaplike navorsing op die gebied van die argeologie en Godsdiens Geskiedenis en Vergelykende Teologie. Indien nodig kan die nageslane werke behoorlik geïnkorporeer word en op 'n akademiese wyse hanteer word met volledige verwysings en 'n bibliografie.
Die doel van die dokument is om my persoonlike siening en DE-BEKERING te formuleer en te motiveer. Dis die resultaat van meer as 20 jaar se naslaanwerk en studie. Die afgelope 30-40 jaar word gekenmerk deur heelwat navorsing deur Teologie- en Bybelnavorsers veral met die ontdekking van die "Dead Sea Scrolls" en die publikasies voortvloeiend uit die Jesus Seminaar, veral t.o.v. die Vyf Evangelies. Hierdie nuwe kennis het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat ek moes onderskei tussen die Mitologiese Jesus en die Historiese Jesus.

Die Maagdelike Geboorte

Hoeveel maagdelike geboortes was daar in die geskiedenis? Vir ons as Christene is vertel dat daar slegs een was naamlik die van Jesus wat in Bethlehem gebore is uit die maagd Maria.
Die waarheid egter, is dat daar meer as vyf (5) dosyn gevalle was van maagdelike geboortes in die geskiedenis meestal van religieuse figure.
Een duisend agt honderd jaar vC. is 'n uitbeelding uitgegrafeer van Koning Amunothph III op die mure van die groot tempel van Luxor van sy aankondiging, konsepsie en geboorte wat feitlik 'n presiese weergawe is van die aankondiging, konsepsie en geboorte van Christelike Jesus.
In die Romeins/Griekse konteks is daar Demeter en Persephone, Rhea en Zeus, Apollo.
In Egipte, die maagdelike moeder Isis wat geboorte gee aan Horus.
In Frigië, word Attis gebore uit die maagd Nama.
'n Nimf wat besig was om te bad in 'n rivier in China word aangeraak deur 'n lotusplant, en die heilige Fohi word gebore.
In Siam streel 'n verdwaalde sonstraal 'n tiener meisie en die groot en wonderlike Condom word gebore.
Oor Boeddha lees ons dat hy afdaal oor sy moeder Maya, "in likeness as the heavenly queen, and entered her womb, and was born from her right side, to save the world."
In Griekeland, besoek die jong Apollo 'n mooi meisie van Athene en Plato se aankoms in die wêreld word aangekondig.
In Griekeland word Adonis uit 'n maagd gebore en opgewek uit die dode nadat hy gedood is deur 'n wilde beer. Die Fenisiërs het Adonis beskou as 'n voortdurend sterwende en opgestane god en die Atheners het 'n jaarlikse fees gehou vir Adonis om sy dood en opstanding jaarliks in die somer te herdenk.
'n Merkwaardige storie word op die Amerikaanse vasteland vertel deur die Asteke en Mayas, oor die god-man Quetzalcoatl. Hy is nie net uit 'n maagd gebore nie maar was geassosieer met die planeet Venus, die môrester, soos Jesus was. Verder is die kruis deur hulle gebruik as 'n simbool vir Quetzalcoatl. Soos Jesus het Quetzalcoatl ook gesê dat hy sal terugkeer om sy aardse koninkryk toe te eien.
Mithras was 'n Persiese God wat ook uit 'n maagd gebore is maar was meer as slegs 'n stamgod. Mithras is in 'n grot gebore en het 12 metgeselle gehad. Mithras se verjaarsdag is ook gevier op 25 Desember. Beide godsdienste het die opstanding gevier gedurende die paastyd. Die profeet Zoroaster is ook uit 'n maagd gebore.
Perseus en Herkules is beide uit 'n maagd gebore. Horus, Mithras, Dionysus en Krishna is gebore op 25 Desember. Hul geboortes is deur 'n ster aangekondig, bygewoon deur "wyse manne," almal is gebore in nederige plekke, het die massamoord van onskuldige kinders oorleef en moes vlug vir hul vyande.
Die Roomse verlosser Quirinus is ook uit 'n maagd gebore.
In Tibet is Indra uit 'n maagd gebore en het opgevaar na die hemel na sy dood.
In Indië, is god Krishna gebore uit die maagd Devaki.
Maagdelike geboortes is toegedig aan baie Egiptiese farao's, Griekse keisers en vir Alexander die Grote.
Nie net die idée van 'n maagdelike moeder nie, maar al die ander wonderbaarlike gebeure, soos die wieg in die stal, die ster, die massamoord van kinders, die vlug na Egipte, en die wederopstanding van die liggaam en hemelvaart op die wolke, is nie net geleen nie maar is feitlik net so oorgeneem in die Nuwe Testament.

Die Kruisiging

Hoewel daar baie detail in die literatuur verskyn oor die gekruisigde gode is daar weereens vir Christene die leuen voorgehou dat Jesus die enigste god ooit was wat gekruisig is ter wille van die redding van sy volgelinge. Wat hier volg is 'n lys van gode wat gekruisig is soos Jesus. Krishna van Indië; Tammuz van Mesopotamië 1160 vC; Iao van Nepal 622 vC; Hesus van die Keltiese Druide 834 vC; Quezalcoatl van Mexico 587 vC; Quirinus van Rome 506 vC; Prometheus 547 vC; Thulis van Egipte 1700 vC; Indra van Tibet 725 vC; Alcestos van Euripides 600 vC; Attis van Frygië 1170 vC; Crite van Chaldaea 1200 vC; Bali van Orissa 725 vC; Mithras van Persië 600 vC.

Die Opstanding uit die Dode

In die mitologie van die volkere van die aarde is daar baie gode wat opgestaan het uit die dood. Tog is daar vir Christene weereens 'n leun vertel deurdat Jesus voorgehou is as die enigste god wat die dood oorwin het. Die belangrikste gode is: Tammuz, Osiris, Isis en Horus.

Wie was Jesus?

Jesus was ongetwyfeld 'n unieke en soms radikale leermeester in daardie tyd. Volgens my siening het hy 'n radikale verandering teweeg gebring oor hoe God gesien moet word. In die Ou Testament is God voorgestel as die God wat Sy seën uitspreek en uitdeel teenoor die wat hom gehoorsaam en diegene vervloek wat Hom ongehoorsaam is. Die God van die Nuwe Testament is binne in ons, "Die Vader en ek is Een." Die beeld wat Jesus van God geskep het is, in teenstelling met die Ou Testament, 'n God van liefde. Volgens my opinie het Jesus dit ook duidelik gestel dat hy nie spesiaal is nie aangesien hy sê dat "al hierdie dinge wat ek doen kan julle ook doen, julle sal selfs groter dinge doen as ek." Hoewel baie van sy uitlatings deur die Jesus Seminaar bevraagteken is, het baie van sy leerstellings die toets van die tyd deurstaan en is op spirituele vlak vandag selfs meer relevant as 2000 jaar gelede.
Die idee dat Jesus God is, het nie deur Jesus self ontstaan nie. Hy het nooit op godheid aanspraak gemaak nie. Ook nie om aanbid te word nie. Toe sy dissipels hom vra hoe om te bid, het hy gesê: "So moet julle dan bid: Onse Vader wat in die hemel is" ens. Godheid is 'n menslike toedigsel wat aan hom gegee is tydens die byeenkoms in Nicea onder leiding van Konstantyn en Irenaeus. Jesus was 'n Jood wat sy Joodse volgelinge geleer en onderrig het. Hy was 'n Rabbi (leermeester) vir sy volgelinge. Christus is afgelei van die woord "Cristos" wat aan baie in daardie tyd gegee is as hulle beskou is as 'n man van God en beteken "die gesalfde." Die bewering dat Jesus hier as God geïdentifiseer is onder leiding van die Heilige Gees, is 'n aanname wat totaal in die lug hang en waarvoor daar geen bewyse bestaan nie.
Die boeke van die Nuwe Testament is tussen 50 en 70 jaar na Jesus se dood geskrywe. Weereens het die mense betrokke by die Nicea Konvensie die begrip van Jesus as die Seun van God en sy totale heiligheid by hierdie dokumente bygevoeg wat die mitologiese Jesus-beeld help skep het. Gedurende hierdie tyd (200-400 nC) het die Christelike kerk groter kredietwaardigheid verleen aan hierdie beskouing en het dit gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n totale menslike geloofsisteem waardeur die kerk groter beheer oor die massas kon verkry. Gevolglik het bepaalde rituele en dogma baie belangrik geword vir die geloof wat selfs vandag nog baie belangrik is vir die kerk.

Waar staan ek?

Die dogma van die tradisionele kerk waarin ek opgegroei het is, in die lig van die nuutste navorsing, nie meer vir my aanvaarbaar nie. Hierby sluit ek in maagdelike geboorte, die opstanding en die hemelvaart. Ek glo dat Jesus in my lewe opgestaan het en dat ons sy leerstellings moet verkondig. Die bergpredikasie en die beoefening van liefde teenoor my medemens soos Jesus gedoen het, is my lewensfilosofie. Ek probeer om my lewe in te rig volgens hierdie leerstellings van Jesus. Niks wat Jesus ooit gesê het, was nog nie deur die Boedha in die verlede gesê nie. Daar is goeie bewyse daarvoor dat Jesus, in die 18-jaar van sy lewe wat ons in die Bybel niks van lees nie, wel in monnike kloosters in die Ooste vertoef het en geleer is en geleer het.
Daar bestaan geen bewys voor dat die Bybel God se Woord is en deur die inspirasie van die Heilige Gees geskryf is nie. Die Bybel is deur mense geskryf. Daar bestaan vele uitgawes van die Bybel soos die Rooms Katolieke Bybel wat meer boeke bevat. Ander Bybels bevat weer die Apokriewe Boeke ens. Watter van al hierdie Bybels is nou die Woord van God? Die Protestantse Bybel? Indien ja, waarom?
Die konsepte hemel en hel is menslike skeppings wat die kerk gebruik om mense te beheer. Die konsep van die sogenaamde "Hamburger Universe" (die drie-laag universum) van die Bybel is uitgedien. Dis 'n siening van mense wat niks van die kosmos af geweet het nie en het die aarde in die middel, die hemel bo en die hel onder geplaas. Die geskiedenis het reeds bewys hoe die kerk mense beheer en uitgebuit het. Konstantyn het die Christelike geloof aangeneem onder sy ma se invloed en om meer beheer oor die Romeinse ryk te bekom wat gedreig het om te versplinter a.g.v. die baie verskillende godsdienste wat daar beoefen is.
Weereens is Christene vertel van die wrede NERO wat Christene vermoor en verbrand het en as fakkels gebruik is vir sy tuinpartytjies. Aan die ander kant word daar nie 'n woord gerep oor Konstantyn se opvolger Karel die Grote, wat duisende mense gedwing het om die Christelike geloof aan te neem. Hope mense is vermoor en gemartel wat geweier het om hulle te laat doop.
Darwin se evolusie-teorie is lankal nie meer slegs 'n teorie nie, maar wel 'n bewese wetenskaplike feit. God fasiliteer en beheer evolusie. Ek glo dat God die skepper is van die heelal want die orde daarin spreek van Sy (Haar) of liewer God se beheer daaroor. Die aktiwiteite van atome en hul partikels in die onsigbare wêreld van die kwantum fisika, stem ooreen met die aktiwiteite van die hemelliggame wat om hul eie ontelbare sonne wentel. Die ontdekking van fossiele het reeds bewys dat die aarde 250 miljoen jaar oud is en nie slegs 6000 jaar nie.
Die nuutste navorsing in die kwantum fisika dui baie duidelik daarop dat daar bepaalde dimensies bestaan waarvan ons nog nooit tevore geweet het nie. Dimensies waarin spirituele wesens, mens en dier sal voortbestaan na hul dood. Hier op aarde verkies ek om 'n Agnostiese beskouing aan te neem want niemand kan daarop aanspraak maak dat hulle werklik kennis van God het nie.
Die groot vraag wat beantwoord moet word is: Het die evangelies historiese weergawes geleen van vorige Oosterse geskrifte wat reeds eeue voor die Bybel bestaan het, ten einde Jesus te beskryf? My antwoord hierop is ongetwyfeld JA.

Ek het vrede gevind

My de-bekering het vir my groot vrede gebring omdat my soeke na die waarheid nie gegrond was op venynigheid en 'n oorlogsverklaring teen die gelowe van die wêreld nie. My soektog het my rustig gemaak en my gelei tot die wete dat hoewel my biologiese bestaan hier op aarde eindig, ek my lewe in 'n ander dimensie gaan voortsit en dat ek nie meer hoef vas te hou aan 'n geykte onbewese filosofie met die bedreiging van die Hel nie. Nuwe wetenskappe soos die Kwantum Fisika en die Meta Fisika is in ons moderne tye besig om nuwe horisonne te open wat ons wegneem uit die verwysingsraamwerk van oerse primitivisme. Geen God bedreig my meer nie en geen Duiwel met sy vurk en vuur wag meer vir my nie. Soos met alle lewende wesens sal my liggaam "gerecycle" word en spiritueel sien ek uit na die nuwe dimensie waarheen ek op pad is.
Prof. Neels Moolman
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
University of Limpopo


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


*The right to submit proposals for the Nobel Peace Prize shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
1.Members of national assemblies and governments of states;
2.Members of international courts;
3.University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes;
4.Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
5.Board members of organizations who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
6.Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1) and
7.Former advisers appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

Sunday, December 18, 2011



Friday, December 16, 2011


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Naked Emperor at The Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

(people question my optimism and no doubt my observations and associations as well, on occasion. Mostly, the people who come here are in the same groove but there are the obvious departures with things like the optimism and who the bad guys are. It could be that because I am unshakeable on both that that is the reason-grin- anyway we try to address at least the first one today.)

The rich are different than us. It never fails to amaze me how people with more than they need, or will ever spend, are so insecure and grasping for more and more, as if money will insulate them from the vicissitudes of life and the terrors of the unknown. As a matter of fact, it puts them right in the gun-sights of the cosmos. The money and wealth thing is an ancient dance with a timeless resolution. It's as problematic for those who possess it as it is for those who don't possess it. It affects everything about your life but it mostly affects what you put value on and that has a great deal to do with your character and fate. It's been said that the 'love' of money is the root of all evil. That means even if you don't have it, you can still be victimized by it. America is a capitalistic society. That means that inevitably at some point it will become fascist. Imperialism is an extension of this. All systems that proclaim personal liberty in their founding documents, invariably wind up as a tyranny.

When a system like this goes into decline, as it presently has, it begins to fall at a certain arc, which steepens as it goes, until eventually one gets the impression that it simply fell off a cliff. The culture in decline is like the season of Fall. At first the leaves are very colorful, as befits the decadent tone of incipient doom. Then the leaves all get brown and finally there are stark and bare trees because the winds come. It's like that. At the end time of this kind of society, it is rule by corporations, which is why the nine vultures on The Supreme Court ruled person-hood for corporations. The laws of the land are set according to the imperatives of the market place. They no longer have to do with fair judgments, as a non respecter of class differentials. The laws become a defense mechanism for the powerful and well to do and a club and chain link fence for the poor and middle class, whose status they are responsible for. Since they are in the minority, they need all the advantages they can get.

Members of The Tribe, now openly boast about their control of the populace and the fact that the majority never reads the alternative press but gets their information from the media that they have near total control over. They have their pawns in place, whom they put forth and caused to be elected because they own the currency printing press. Because of their control of Wall Street, they can make the economy yo-yo any time they want to and this is applied as a control mechanism as well; just as it was when they engineered The Great Depression. They controlled who got elected through a combination of things; electoral fraud, media disinfo and saturation, as well as lots of money. This way they can make the laws and set policy. They inform their elected stooges about who they want appointed to the courts and all other similar postings. They control general perception and the flow of events, including false flags, which are used to bolster the population's fears about an external enemy, who is also domestically based. It's a climate of suspicion, designed to divert the mind from what they themselves are doing.

The movement of the culture and the enforcement arm of corporate will, moves relentlessly from bad to worse. One could hardly be faulted for questioning my optimism. However, I see the seeds and signs of their downfall everywhere and I know that the cosmos has a cyclicity that is the centerpiece of its operative schematic. This I can see everywhere, directly in Nature and indirectly in the culture, where Nature has been adapted. This is a given for me. I've looked at it long and hard and... I believe deeply as well. There is an order to things. Possibly many cannot see this but for me it's hiding in plain sight all over the place.

There is a certain clownish buffoonery that comes about in the last stages of the end game, where overblown caricatures dominate the public viewing arenas. This is attended by, in your face criminality, by the forces of business and in the political realm as well. We see this in Mr. Corzine. People know that looting went on though they may not know who really did it and what the circumstances were. This is like unto AGI, only different (grin) and, of course, the same predatory agents are engaged in most questionable activities. The whole war on terror thing is to distract from the real terrorists and their daily looting and mass murder around the globe. Now they are going after Russia and one of their members, an oligarch, is intending to run against Putin. It's not rocket science; identifying who is doing what and where. The Newtwit has come out of the lowest popularity percentage to lead all candidates for the GOP nomination. Nothing in real time has changed. It's all a fabrication. It's all smoke and mirrors. Public perception will be shaped and electoral fraud will take care of the end process. Yet I am optimistic.

I am watching a cycle in operation. I am seeing the stages through which it moves and am noting the absurdity and living satire of the present state and as I never tire of saying; it's all for the purpose of demonstration. You are being shown. Perhaps you are not paying attention but your attention will be seized at the time intended for that to happen. We know that evil destroys itself. This destiny is built into the nature of it. Why should we expect a different outcome this time? Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? No one has ever taken over the whole world. Alexander came close but no one has ever accomplished it and no one ever will. As Lao Tzu has stated, “The world is a sacred vessel, at the mere touch of the profane, it recedes”.

What confuses people and compromises their optimism is the power of appearances at any stage of the game. It looks one way but it is, in essence, something else. Think about a man who on the surface seems well formed and impressive but whose bones are rotten and hollow. This is the case here. If there were any one thing that anyone should impress on their consciousness, so that it is an accepted truth that cannot be challenged, it is that 'appearances are deceiving'. The sole purpose of those manipulating appearances is deception; “By way of deception”?

Look at the uniformity of the universe. Look at the planets rotating around the sun. Look at the moon in the sky and its phases. Look at all of the circular states and conditions that are everywhere to be seen. Look at the tides. Look the seasonal migrations of the birds. The whole thing is like some gigantic multidimensional clock, which is more than a clock but it does keep time. This should be cause for optimism. Pull the curtain back from the wizard. Look closely at The Emperor. Observe The Mad Hatter's tea party. Look at allegory and the mathematical precision of the cosmos. Look at what makes your computer function, both electrically and in terms of the manner in which it presents and processes information. Look at the internet and think of global telepathy and resonance. Think of consciousness unifying and creating a dynamic of judgment that is an extension of group consciousness. Yes, the group consciousness has been hijacked but this is The Apocalypse.

Look at the pronouncements of all the greatest books ever written. They are all similar when they talk about conditions and where they lead. Meanwhile, the circus goes on and the carnival and the games of chance continue. Chance is not as random as it seems and luck is simply one of Nature's laws that is not properly understood. When we think of the laws of Nature, from which we adapt the powers and routines by which a society operates, we need to keep in mind that there are a great many laws that the majority of us are unaware of. The discovery of new laws are tied directly to major advances in the state of our existence. Some of us discover some of these laws by self introspection. “The proper study of mankind is man”; gnosti seauton. Those so engaged have reason to be optimistic. Those not so engaged have reason to be pessimistic. A simple adjustment in one's basic perspective, effects immediate change.

Most of all of these players on the grand stage of the moment are fools. They are ridiculous caricatures of themselves. Bill O'Reilly, with his umbrella, threatening to punch someone out is a bombastic and clueless embarrassment. We look at these talking heads and we assign importance to them because they have wide ranging face power. They make a lot of money. This pings on the subconscious and causes the masses to grant fealty. They are not important and they are nothing more than unamusing clowns. There is a reason for all of this reality TV that is not reality. There is a reason for all of the crazy and moronic spectacles of the moment. If you are treated as if you are stupid, you naturally accommodate to that subliminal invasion and act accordingly.

The whole gamut of the field of entertainment, music and the arts has been brought to its present state as evidence of something. This should be cause for optimism. The power within is greater than the power without. If the universe is behind you, nothing can be against you. The shadow, as has been said ad infinitum here, has only the power that you grant it. It is only a shadow. The hollow men are just that. Things can change in a twinkling and will at some point and then appearances will be redefined. The name Adam means, 'namer of things'. This is how you create your world and how it comes to be a prison in many cases. We have to name things correctly. We have to identify where the real power lies; not the appearance of power. We have to know the difference between shadow and substance. We have only ourselves to blame if we are seduced into believing what is not or ever will be true and “waking up is hard to do”.

End Transmission.