Monday, July 11, 2011
The Multi-Layered Betrayal of Britain
In his latest guest-essay, the English author Paul Weston takes a clear-eyed look at the grim reality of Modern Multicultural Britain. Although his analysis is far from optimistic, he does remind us that everything in the UK is on the verge of counter-revolutionary change. There is no choice — the change has to come.

The Multi-Layered Betrayal of Britain
by Paul Weston
Poor old Britain is in a terrible state. Whilst the recent obscenity of a Labour government is mostly to blame for this, they were not alone in the cultural and racial war which has been waged against the British people over the last half-century. Such has been the all-encompassing assault on who we once were that it is now hard to find any social group which has not been betrayed.
For example:
The Wartime Generation: They sacrificed so much, indeed died in their hundreds of thousands in order that our generation could live in freedom. Today they are sidelined and ignored by the Socialist ruling classes, who consider the culture and politics of these aged warriors to be wildly out of tune with modern liberal group-think.
A book was published last year called The Unknown Warriors which collated the stories and concerns of this greatest, yet disregarded people. And it is a heartbreaking read. Over and over again these brave and stoic people mentioned one word — betrayal.
Their principal concerns were the submission of vast swathes of British cities to various foreign entities without due recourse to the democratic process, coupled with the bitter irony of handing over their bloodily defended democracy to an unelected, dictatorial foreign power in Brussels.
One particularly harrowing story was that of the extraordinary bravery shown by a Lancaster bomber rear-gunner, who continued to climb into his turret time and time again even as he saw scores of his friends killed in the most horrific ways imaginable. His bravery has been betrayed though, because he is now reduced to a prisoner within his own house, too frightened to go outside because of the violence and abuse he receives from Socialist-educated children as young as nine.
His despairing voice can be heard through another Royal Air Force veteran, who remarked eloquently of his comrades who had made the ultimate sacrifice for their country: “I mourned them then, but now surviving in a world indifferent to their hopes and dreams, I grieve more for the living.”
The Elderly: Mostly too young to fight in the war, they are nonetheless similarly excluded from modern liberal society. Their views on marriage, homosexuality, morality, Christianity, parenthood, etc. make them the enemy of Socialist ideology. In Africa, the elderly are treated with respect as learned human beings. In Britain the elderly are vilified for simply defying the Socialist Revolution, and as such are considered an embarrassing clutch of old dodderers who can be safely labelled as extremist whilst their views are carefully withheld from the young — who incidentally, and quite literally, frighten the life out of the elderly.
They watch in bemusement and horror as the politicians and the mainstream media force a degraded culture upon their country. They shiver in front of single-bar electric fires, wondering whether they can afford to eat and stay warm. They watch their carefully amassed life-savings eroded as the politicians and bankers artificially manipulate interest-rates and inflation-rates to benefit only themselves. They shake their heads at stories of Iraqis and Somalis living in luxuriously equipped million-pound mansions in which to house their teeming broods, all paid for by the state.

The Young: Who would be young in Britain today? Youngsters have been schooled in liberal/progressive ideology from the moment they set foot in kindergarten. Although filled with a wholly misguided sense of self-esteem, they require remedial classes in reading and writing when they go to university (as some 50% now do) and have no conception of what they do not know.
They view their historic culture as one of imperialism, oppression and racism. They have no notion of respect, civility, dignity, Christianity, duty, honour, integrity or patriotism. Propagandised all their lives in the Socialist ideologies of moral and cultural relativism and multiculturalism, they are blissfully unaware that everything they believe in can only lead to the loss of everything they presently take for granted.
When they leave university they take with them debts in the tens of thousands of pounds and compete for jobs that pay salaries that can never enable them to buy the immigration-driven grotesquely-priced houses that were once affordable to their parents. They turn to drink and drugs in the moral and spiritual vacuum built for them by the Socialist Left, and stagger around the streets of British cities and towns in a booze-fuelled orgy of tattooed promiscuity and violence that shocks and horrifies the rest of the civilised world.
They do not understand that their own world is rapidly changing. The last fifty years saw a peaceful and relentless rise in prosperity, but that is now over. Where once there were ten workers to every retiree the ratio will soon be only two-to-one. Their future is therefore bankrupt. There will be no pensions when they are old. They may well have to work until they drop, and already there is talk of raising the retirement age to seventy. They are the lost generation, and these poor, deluded, Socialist-brainwashed children do not even know it.

The Newborn: What sort of country will they inherit? In 2050 a person born today will be only 39 years old, but he will find himself nearing a racial minority status in his own homeland. In 1950 whites made up 25% of the global population. Today they number only 9%, and by 2050 a mere 5%. This might not otherwise have mattered greatly, but Britain makes up only 1% of the habitable land mass and 1% of the world population, and we have opened our doors to the demographically explosive Third World.
The history of man is war, and wars are always fought along tribal and religious lines. The mass importation of Muslim tribes and Muslim religion into Britain can only guarantee future violence. Whether it can be contained in intra-country civil conflict is yet to be known, but it is likely that what will start out as a carbon copy of the recent Yugoslav conflict must only and logically lead to World War III.
The Christians: Although the majority of the British identify themselves as Christian, our Socialist ruling class have no time for such an outdated and oppressive ideology. As Tony Blair so memorably stated: “We don’t do God” — a view shared by the unelected Socialist dictators within the European Union who refuse to recognise the influence of Christianity in the cultural formation of Europe.
Christians are persecuted and vilified in Britain, be they nurses who wish to wear a cross to work, hotel owners who would rather not let homosexuals practice sodomy on their freshly laundered linen, or people who fail to recognise the immersion of a figure of Jesus Christ in a vat of urine is an edgy expression of “conceptually challenging” art. In addition, the blasphemy laws were repealed by the last Labour government because they specifically related to Christianity and were therefore deemed “discriminatory.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated that “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” This is exactly why Christianity is under attack in Britain. Just as Communist countries feared a moral alternative to the godless and immoral religion of Socialism, so our home-grown Socialist rulers follow suit.
Religious Education in schools which previously centred on Christianity is now devoted to Multi-Religious Studies. Conspiracy theorists are not exaggerating in the least when they suggest that mass immigration and Multiculturalism were not deployed for honourable reasons, but to specifically erode Christian Britain.
A good example of this is the BBC’s attitude towards Islam, which it suggests should be treated more sensitively than Christianity. And whilst Islam is promoted as a female-friendly religion of tolerance and compassion, Christianity is obscenely portrayed as an ideology of racism, imperialism and murder. This is so perverse and abnormal one can only assume that our Socialist rulers have declared all-out war against Christianity — as indeed they have.
The Middle Class: When Vaclav Havel assumed the Presidency of Czechoslovakia in 1989, he stated that one of the most important jobs to be undertaken was the rebuilding of the middle class, which had been decimated by the Communists.
The values and morals of the middle classes are the backbone of a democratic Nation State. This is why the Communists set out to eradicate them, and this is exactly why British Socialists have done the same. The “bourgeoisie” have been subjected to vilification for the last fifty years, with the attack against them led — rather ironically — by the middle-class intelligentsia within the BBC and the Educational Authorities,
The middle class is a bulwark against state oppression, and so had to be cleansed. Elitism, independence, Christianity and morality are the enemies of the Socialists. One of the more obvious manifestations of Socialism’s enormous success in this field concerns accents. It is very rare today to find a well spoken Englishman under the age of fifty. Class warfare has won, and the traditional middle classes are out of the loop. If one wishes to work in state media or education, one must adopt an Estuary English accent à la Jamie Oliver. We are all working class now.
The Working Class: The Labour Party was originally formed to protect the interests of the working class, so it is more than a little bizarre that the worst damage wreaked upon the very people who make up their core vote was perpetrated by the Socialists within the Labour Party itself.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s the Trades Union Movement set out to systematically dismantle the manufacturing and industrial base of Britain. The Union leaders who called for more-or-less permanent industrial action were to a man Communists, all taking their orders from their comrades in Moscow. Although Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party foolishly completed what the Socialists had started, it is unarguable that the extinction of Britain’s shipbuilding and automotive industries was instigated by the Socialist traitors within the Labour Party.
But this pales into insignificance when compared to the damage inflicted upon the working class by the last Labour government. Their policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism has primarily affected the working class, who find themselves in direct competition with imported third-worlders for territory, education, housing and jobs.
The champagne-socialists who deliberately set out to transform traditional Britain have the financial means necessary to live as far away as possible from the multicultural hell-holes they have deliberately created, the means to educate their children in schools where English remains the first language, and the means to ensure that neither they nor their children ever fall victim to the endemic crime and violence so prevalent in Socialism’s disgracefully manufactured “diverse” communities.
The white working class are not so fortunate. What the Socialists have done to them amounts to the biggest betrayal in the history of this country.
The Immigrants: It is with great sadness that I compare the young blacks in Britain today with their grandparents. The rap-addicted, dope-smoking, unemployable and violent young blacks we see around us bear little resemblance to the well dressed men and women aboard the MV Empire Windrush, which docked at Tilbury in 1948.
They too have been betrayed. Encouraged to retain their culture rather than assimilate, they have been similarly let down by terrible inner-city schooling that refuses to equip them with the skills necessary to live decent and rewarding lives in a capitalist liberal democracy, because to educate them sufficiently is apparently racist.
This is deliberate, of course. Educated, assimilated immigrants are of little use to the Socialists, as so succinctly explained by education “expert” Professor Chris Mullard CBE, who had the following to say with regard to the non-education of black children:
“Already we have started to rebel, to kick out against our jailers…As more black Britons leave school disgruntled, as more black Britons discard their yoke of humility, the ultimate confrontation will become clearer…Blacks will fight with pressure, leaflets, campaigns, demonstrations, fists and scorching resentment which, when peaceful means fail, will explode into street fighting, urban guerrilla warfare, looting, burning and rioting.”
A great evil has been perpetrated upon coloured immigrants by the Socialists, who view them as mere pawns to be used in their fight against the capitalist and Christian West. Professor Mullard is a Communist who infiltrated the British Educational Authorities, and was subsequently, and unsurprisingly, knighted by the treacherous Labour government.
I have used defined groups of peoples and classes to show how we have been betrayed, but we can add some further minority groups who are absolutely essential in allowing the continuation of a liberal democracy and who were therefore earmarked for Socialist re-education or destruction — the traditional family, fathers, non-feminist housewives and mothers, and the apolitical police, judiciary and civil service.
There are a very small number of people who have not been betrayed. The baby-boomer liberal intelligentsia have done very well out of the slow-motion Socialist revolution that has destroyed Britain, as have the super-rich, the politicians and the bankers, who now look to retain their gargantuan bonuses whilst simultaneously redirecting their debts onto the shoulders of the taxpayer.
But at the top of the pile sits Islam. Imported and appeased by politicians of all parties, Islam is the real winner here and is promoted as the religion of peace when it is clearly no such thing. Polygamy laws are ignored in order that Muslims may demographically destroy us, laws are introduced to curtail any criticism on pain of exhibiting “Islamophobia”, and money is directed toward them in order that they need not work to house their multiple wives and children even as they plan to overthrow us.
The rest of us, however — the war veterans, the elderly, the young, the new-born, the indigenous population, the non-Islamic immigrants, the middle-class, the working-class and the Christians — have been betrayed in our entirety.
At the risk of repeating myself, this is totally unacceptable and totally unsustainable. Liberalism’s useful idiots need to be made aware of the error of their ideology, whilst the hard-core Socialist Left must be made to understand that one day, hopefully in the not too distant future, they will be tried before People’s Courts immediately after the reintroduction of the death penalty for treason.
If Britain is to survive the coming decades as a peaceful democracy, then we need to have a counter-revolution of the mind and a counter-revolutionary political party to effect radical change. No viable party currently exists in Britain, but to end this depressing article on a note of optimism, this matter is actively being addressed by a group of people, amongst whom I am proud to include myself.
The Multi-Layered Betrayal of Britain
by Paul Weston

For example:
The Wartime Generation: They sacrificed so much, indeed died in their hundreds of thousands in order that our generation could live in freedom. Today they are sidelined and ignored by the Socialist ruling classes, who consider the culture and politics of these aged warriors to be wildly out of tune with modern liberal group-think.
A book was published last year called The Unknown Warriors which collated the stories and concerns of this greatest, yet disregarded people. And it is a heartbreaking read. Over and over again these brave and stoic people mentioned one word — betrayal.
Their principal concerns were the submission of vast swathes of British cities to various foreign entities without due recourse to the democratic process, coupled with the bitter irony of handing over their bloodily defended democracy to an unelected, dictatorial foreign power in Brussels.
One particularly harrowing story was that of the extraordinary bravery shown by a Lancaster bomber rear-gunner, who continued to climb into his turret time and time again even as he saw scores of his friends killed in the most horrific ways imaginable. His bravery has been betrayed though, because he is now reduced to a prisoner within his own house, too frightened to go outside because of the violence and abuse he receives from Socialist-educated children as young as nine.
His despairing voice can be heard through another Royal Air Force veteran, who remarked eloquently of his comrades who had made the ultimate sacrifice for their country: “I mourned them then, but now surviving in a world indifferent to their hopes and dreams, I grieve more for the living.”
The Elderly: Mostly too young to fight in the war, they are nonetheless similarly excluded from modern liberal society. Their views on marriage, homosexuality, morality, Christianity, parenthood, etc. make them the enemy of Socialist ideology. In Africa, the elderly are treated with respect as learned human beings. In Britain the elderly are vilified for simply defying the Socialist Revolution, and as such are considered an embarrassing clutch of old dodderers who can be safely labelled as extremist whilst their views are carefully withheld from the young — who incidentally, and quite literally, frighten the life out of the elderly.
They watch in bemusement and horror as the politicians and the mainstream media force a degraded culture upon their country. They shiver in front of single-bar electric fires, wondering whether they can afford to eat and stay warm. They watch their carefully amassed life-savings eroded as the politicians and bankers artificially manipulate interest-rates and inflation-rates to benefit only themselves. They shake their heads at stories of Iraqis and Somalis living in luxuriously equipped million-pound mansions in which to house their teeming broods, all paid for by the state.
The Young: Who would be young in Britain today? Youngsters have been schooled in liberal/progressive ideology from the moment they set foot in kindergarten. Although filled with a wholly misguided sense of self-esteem, they require remedial classes in reading and writing when they go to university (as some 50% now do) and have no conception of what they do not know.
They view their historic culture as one of imperialism, oppression and racism. They have no notion of respect, civility, dignity, Christianity, duty, honour, integrity or patriotism. Propagandised all their lives in the Socialist ideologies of moral and cultural relativism and multiculturalism, they are blissfully unaware that everything they believe in can only lead to the loss of everything they presently take for granted.
When they leave university they take with them debts in the tens of thousands of pounds and compete for jobs that pay salaries that can never enable them to buy the immigration-driven grotesquely-priced houses that were once affordable to their parents. They turn to drink and drugs in the moral and spiritual vacuum built for them by the Socialist Left, and stagger around the streets of British cities and towns in a booze-fuelled orgy of tattooed promiscuity and violence that shocks and horrifies the rest of the civilised world.
They do not understand that their own world is rapidly changing. The last fifty years saw a peaceful and relentless rise in prosperity, but that is now over. Where once there were ten workers to every retiree the ratio will soon be only two-to-one. Their future is therefore bankrupt. There will be no pensions when they are old. They may well have to work until they drop, and already there is talk of raising the retirement age to seventy. They are the lost generation, and these poor, deluded, Socialist-brainwashed children do not even know it.

The Newborn: What sort of country will they inherit? In 2050 a person born today will be only 39 years old, but he will find himself nearing a racial minority status in his own homeland. In 1950 whites made up 25% of the global population. Today they number only 9%, and by 2050 a mere 5%. This might not otherwise have mattered greatly, but Britain makes up only 1% of the habitable land mass and 1% of the world population, and we have opened our doors to the demographically explosive Third World.
The history of man is war, and wars are always fought along tribal and religious lines. The mass importation of Muslim tribes and Muslim religion into Britain can only guarantee future violence. Whether it can be contained in intra-country civil conflict is yet to be known, but it is likely that what will start out as a carbon copy of the recent Yugoslav conflict must only and logically lead to World War III.
The Christians: Although the majority of the British identify themselves as Christian, our Socialist ruling class have no time for such an outdated and oppressive ideology. As Tony Blair so memorably stated: “We don’t do God” — a view shared by the unelected Socialist dictators within the European Union who refuse to recognise the influence of Christianity in the cultural formation of Europe.
Christians are persecuted and vilified in Britain, be they nurses who wish to wear a cross to work, hotel owners who would rather not let homosexuals practice sodomy on their freshly laundered linen, or people who fail to recognise the immersion of a figure of Jesus Christ in a vat of urine is an edgy expression of “conceptually challenging” art. In addition, the blasphemy laws were repealed by the last Labour government because they specifically related to Christianity and were therefore deemed “discriminatory.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated that “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” This is exactly why Christianity is under attack in Britain. Just as Communist countries feared a moral alternative to the godless and immoral religion of Socialism, so our home-grown Socialist rulers follow suit.
Religious Education in schools which previously centred on Christianity is now devoted to Multi-Religious Studies. Conspiracy theorists are not exaggerating in the least when they suggest that mass immigration and Multiculturalism were not deployed for honourable reasons, but to specifically erode Christian Britain.
A good example of this is the BBC’s attitude towards Islam, which it suggests should be treated more sensitively than Christianity. And whilst Islam is promoted as a female-friendly religion of tolerance and compassion, Christianity is obscenely portrayed as an ideology of racism, imperialism and murder. This is so perverse and abnormal one can only assume that our Socialist rulers have declared all-out war against Christianity — as indeed they have.
The Middle Class: When Vaclav Havel assumed the Presidency of Czechoslovakia in 1989, he stated that one of the most important jobs to be undertaken was the rebuilding of the middle class, which had been decimated by the Communists.
The values and morals of the middle classes are the backbone of a democratic Nation State. This is why the Communists set out to eradicate them, and this is exactly why British Socialists have done the same. The “bourgeoisie” have been subjected to vilification for the last fifty years, with the attack against them led — rather ironically — by the middle-class intelligentsia within the BBC and the Educational Authorities,
The middle class is a bulwark against state oppression, and so had to be cleansed. Elitism, independence, Christianity and morality are the enemies of the Socialists. One of the more obvious manifestations of Socialism’s enormous success in this field concerns accents. It is very rare today to find a well spoken Englishman under the age of fifty. Class warfare has won, and the traditional middle classes are out of the loop. If one wishes to work in state media or education, one must adopt an Estuary English accent à la Jamie Oliver. We are all working class now.
The Working Class: The Labour Party was originally formed to protect the interests of the working class, so it is more than a little bizarre that the worst damage wreaked upon the very people who make up their core vote was perpetrated by the Socialists within the Labour Party itself.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s the Trades Union Movement set out to systematically dismantle the manufacturing and industrial base of Britain. The Union leaders who called for more-or-less permanent industrial action were to a man Communists, all taking their orders from their comrades in Moscow. Although Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party foolishly completed what the Socialists had started, it is unarguable that the extinction of Britain’s shipbuilding and automotive industries was instigated by the Socialist traitors within the Labour Party.
But this pales into insignificance when compared to the damage inflicted upon the working class by the last Labour government. Their policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism has primarily affected the working class, who find themselves in direct competition with imported third-worlders for territory, education, housing and jobs.
The champagne-socialists who deliberately set out to transform traditional Britain have the financial means necessary to live as far away as possible from the multicultural hell-holes they have deliberately created, the means to educate their children in schools where English remains the first language, and the means to ensure that neither they nor their children ever fall victim to the endemic crime and violence so prevalent in Socialism’s disgracefully manufactured “diverse” communities.
The white working class are not so fortunate. What the Socialists have done to them amounts to the biggest betrayal in the history of this country.
The Immigrants: It is with great sadness that I compare the young blacks in Britain today with their grandparents. The rap-addicted, dope-smoking, unemployable and violent young blacks we see around us bear little resemblance to the well dressed men and women aboard the MV Empire Windrush, which docked at Tilbury in 1948.
They too have been betrayed. Encouraged to retain their culture rather than assimilate, they have been similarly let down by terrible inner-city schooling that refuses to equip them with the skills necessary to live decent and rewarding lives in a capitalist liberal democracy, because to educate them sufficiently is apparently racist.
This is deliberate, of course. Educated, assimilated immigrants are of little use to the Socialists, as so succinctly explained by education “expert” Professor Chris Mullard CBE, who had the following to say with regard to the non-education of black children:
“Already we have started to rebel, to kick out against our jailers…As more black Britons leave school disgruntled, as more black Britons discard their yoke of humility, the ultimate confrontation will become clearer…Blacks will fight with pressure, leaflets, campaigns, demonstrations, fists and scorching resentment which, when peaceful means fail, will explode into street fighting, urban guerrilla warfare, looting, burning and rioting.”
A great evil has been perpetrated upon coloured immigrants by the Socialists, who view them as mere pawns to be used in their fight against the capitalist and Christian West. Professor Mullard is a Communist who infiltrated the British Educational Authorities, and was subsequently, and unsurprisingly, knighted by the treacherous Labour government.
I have used defined groups of peoples and classes to show how we have been betrayed, but we can add some further minority groups who are absolutely essential in allowing the continuation of a liberal democracy and who were therefore earmarked for Socialist re-education or destruction — the traditional family, fathers, non-feminist housewives and mothers, and the apolitical police, judiciary and civil service.
There are a very small number of people who have not been betrayed. The baby-boomer liberal intelligentsia have done very well out of the slow-motion Socialist revolution that has destroyed Britain, as have the super-rich, the politicians and the bankers, who now look to retain their gargantuan bonuses whilst simultaneously redirecting their debts onto the shoulders of the taxpayer.
But at the top of the pile sits Islam. Imported and appeased by politicians of all parties, Islam is the real winner here and is promoted as the religion of peace when it is clearly no such thing. Polygamy laws are ignored in order that Muslims may demographically destroy us, laws are introduced to curtail any criticism on pain of exhibiting “Islamophobia”, and money is directed toward them in order that they need not work to house their multiple wives and children even as they plan to overthrow us.
The rest of us, however — the war veterans, the elderly, the young, the new-born, the indigenous population, the non-Islamic immigrants, the middle-class, the working-class and the Christians — have been betrayed in our entirety.
At the risk of repeating myself, this is totally unacceptable and totally unsustainable. Liberalism’s useful idiots need to be made aware of the error of their ideology, whilst the hard-core Socialist Left must be made to understand that one day, hopefully in the not too distant future, they will be tried before People’s Courts immediately after the reintroduction of the death penalty for treason.
If Britain is to survive the coming decades as a peaceful democracy, then we need to have a counter-revolution of the mind and a counter-revolutionary political party to effect radical change. No viable party currently exists in Britain, but to end this depressing article on a note of optimism, this matter is actively being addressed by a group of people, amongst whom I am proud to include myself.
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