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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Apartheid floreer in die Verenigde State van Amerika! / Apartheid is Alive and Well and Flourishing in the USA! - Leon van den Berg
TUESDAY, MAR 29, 2011 07:55 ET
The 10 most segregated urban areas in America
Slide show: The new census numbers provide a sobering reminder of how separate white and black America still are
Main city population: 3,792,62
Metropolitan population: 12,828,837
Segregation level (dissimilarity): 67.84
Los Angeles is spectacularly diverse, and profoundly segregated. Though black and Latino Angelenos are increasingly likely to live near one another, their separation from white neighborhoods persists. Indeed, L.A. is one of just a few metro areas with such high segregation of Latinos. It is also the only metro area on this list west of the Great Lakes.
“The interesting thing is that the places where we’ve seen lower segregation historically tend to be smaller and medium-size metro areas, with smaller black populations,” says sociologist Camille Z. Charles, author of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Race, Class and Residence in Los Angeles.” “So I think to some degree that is how L.A. ends up being this outlier. There have only been black people in Phoenix since 1990 in any meaningful number. You’ve had large numbers of blacks in Los Angeles for over 100 years.”
Like other cities in the North and West, blacks migrated to Los Angeles for jobs. At the Port of Los Angeles, shipyards and the booming war industry provided opportunities for employment in positions that were previously reserved for white men. But the enclaves that blacks moved into after World War II have hardened, and segregation continues to confine blacks to the region’s most dangerous neighborhoods (which also contain its worst schools).
“We will probably never get to the point where the index is zero and everyone is singing kumbaya and intermarrying,” says Charles. “What is problematic about segregation is primarily about the concentration of poverty, and all of the negative aspects of material life that result from concentrating poverty in that way. If you concentrate poverty, you’re going to have more crime, more people with poor health -- areas where the rest of the community and city is less invested in not only the people, but the streets and the schools.”
Charles says that if black segregation were comparable to that of Asians, there would be “huge improvements in blacks’ quality of life.” Asian-white segregation is about 20 points lower, and much of it reflects the temporary segregation of immigrants living in ethnic enclaves.
In the late 1960s, riots -- or, depending on how you parsed this politicized vocabulary, rebellions or uprisings -- in many cities briefly forced white society to face the concentrated poverty of the black ghetto, with the Kerner Commission famously noting that “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white -- separate and unequal.”
The L.A. riots of 1992, like the 1965 Watts riot, were sparked by police brutality, a steady concern in besieged neighborhoods like South Central. Nearly 20 years later, the jobless ghettos of black and Latino Los Angeles remain. Greater Los Angeles has been so big for so long -- legion nodes connected by extensive highways -- that it’s hard to say exactly what its borders are. Safe in their cars and behind their gates, most white people have gone back to not paying attention.

Dis verkeerd om die woord "apartheid" te gebruik as sinoniem vir "rassisme", “segregasie” of "fascisme" – nie om apartheid van rassisme of ander gebrek aan demokratiese gehalte vry te pleit nie – maar apartheid was die produk van die strewe na selfbeskikking en vryheid van die Afrikaner, nie van ‘n ideologie of strewe na oorheersing nie.
Dit was die strewe om onder die juk van die “Ryk van die Kwaad” uit te kom, nie om self een te vestig nie.
Afrikaners moenie nou self die propaganda begin glo wat daardie Ryk gebruik het om hulle te vernietig nie.
LUDWIG, Jy's reg!
Petrus Potgieter

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