Bernanke's $10 Trillion In Secret Wall Street Bailouts
Help Us Spread The Word
As editor and founder of the Daily Bail, I am asking each and every one of you to forward this incredibly important and truly shocking video to 2 people. That's all I politely ask. This is a rare instance in life where just a few seconds of your time can help change the course of history in the fight against the Fed. Either we win, or Wall Street wins. It's that simple. We need a little help from everyone to stop Bernanke and the trillions in secret bailouts still flowing to Wall St.
Millions and millions of taxpayers need to see this.
Either we win or Wall Street wins.
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Alan Grayson questions the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve - 05/09/10
Start watching at the 3-minute mark. The action begins soon after. At issue is the accounting and oversight for $9 trillion in secret Fed bailouts of Wall Street banks, for which taxpayers are ultimately responsible to the tune of $32,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. Fed audit, anyone?
Editor's Note: Until the day Bernanke is indicted for crimes against humanity, all we can do is create awareness. Please understand the power of everyone, every single one of you, sending this to just 2 people. Yes, it might sound corny, but it absolutely works. Now, more than 4 million people have seen this clip and become aware of secret bailouts and corruption at the Federal Reserve. All because of you and your emails. But it will take 50 million to beat Bernanke. We believe this video is the perfect introduction to the Fed and it's abuses for the tens of millions of Americans who are unsure about the role the Fed plays in the banking system. The Federal Reserve is our nation's 3rd central bank. It is not a government institution. It's a group of private banks that Congress endowed with the right to print our nation's currency in 1913. The first two U.S. central banks were eventually defeated by the will of the people, and the same fate awaits the Federal Reserve. It is only a matter of time.
Fewer than 1% of voters have seen this video.
The best way to help?
Paste this link into an email and send it everyone in your address book. Everyone in this country should see this video anyway, so why not educate your friends?
Click the white icon to access your account with gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, or msn outlook. You will see the tiny icons representing your email provider.
We need a little help from everyone to stop Bernanke and end the heist. If you can send this link to 5 or 10 people, you will be making a huge contribution to the awareness movement.
Thank You!
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