Joerie, joerie, botter en brood,
as ek jou kry, slaat ek jou dood

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Op die “wysie” van Breyten Breytenbach se “Rooiborsduif” ‘n liefdes e-pos geskryf deur Marius Swart
ek stuur vir jou
‘n rewritable DVD
daar’s ‘n paar nice songs op wat ek
op limewire afgelaai het
en ‘n show van Jeff Dunham ook
daai ou met die poppe, jy weet?
Achmed the dead terrorist en hulle?
fokkit, hy’s funny!
jy sal dit LOVE.
ek hoop jou DVD player lees die ding,
anders moet jy maar op die laptop kyk.
ek sit vir jou ‘n potjie fish paste ook by
ek weet dis moerse random,
maar ek weet ook jy hou daarvan
en ek is in elk geval mos nie nou daar om te keer
as jy my met ‘n visasem wil soen nie.
verder wil ek maar net sê
ek het vir jou ‘n gediggie probeer skryf
met woorde soos borsies en donsige perskes en hart

maar toe dink ek by myself:  fokkit, bra, haar pa gaan
jou mos nou totally dik bliksem
as hy dít ooit moet lees.
so toe los ek die perskes
jy weet tog, enige iets peach-erig maak my anyway
instantly naar
ná daai episode met die bottel Hooper’s perske-schnapps.
ag jirre, ek kon anyway nog nooit sentimenteel wees nie.
of minstens nie as ek nugter is nie.
elk geval.  die gedig was ‘n fokop, soos jy kan aflei.
ek sal môre weer ‘n slag foto’s
op facebook sit,
kyk maar daar.
o ja, die gedig, voor ek groet,
dit het so geëindig:
my wange mis jou hart wat klop
en my neus mis jou nek.
(c) Marius Swart

Monday, July 21, 2014


..."never in my life have i seen so much media access to a plane crash site, and goverments are complaining about restriction to access?????..."


Tuesday, July 15, 2014




Tuesday, July 8, 2014



Terwyl ek tik, staan die kykteller (net regs-onder die video) op 45,993 met 1,585 "opduimpies" en 22 "afduimpies".
Ek probeer al lank begryp waarom mense hulle EIE ras of volk haat en het na lang nadenke tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit vergelykbaar is met 'n outo-immuunsiekte (soos vigs) by 'n individu: die mediese wetenskap kan dit nog nie verklaar nie en meestal nie genees nie, maar dit bestaan... Blý net onthou dat wanneer die selfvernietigende parasiet die gasheer doodgemaak het, hy sélf ook vrek en daar nog baie gesonde individue oorbly soos wat ons hier sien!
Baie dankie Steve! 



Do none of you realise why this might offend people? This is not merely a poem, it was the anthem of South Africa during Apartheid, a time when the majority of our country were beaten daily and did not have the right to vote. It's quite sickening that so many of you prefer that time to what we have today. Yes our new democratic government is not perfect but it's way better than what we had in Apartheid. At least today a white woman can marry a black man if she pleases, gay marriage is legal, everyone has the right to vote and everyone has the right to an equal education. This is what Mandela and his comrades fought for and so many of you seem to forget that. Perhaps you (Afrikaners) enjoyed being the minority in power because life was sweet for you and your buddies, to the detriment of the country as a whole.
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55 Murders a day and much more rapes and attacks. corruption running rampant and infrastructure failing. The majority of blacks and even a good portion of whites are worse off today than during apartheid. Unemployment at over 50% and of that over 70% are youth between 18-30. Affirmative action and BEE are still fully implemented even 20 years after this so-called rainbow nation began and an new land distribution claim bill has been passed to take away even more farm land and give it to inexperienced blacks who have no idea how farming works. Not to mention the rampant coruption or do you think our glorious Presedent Zuma have change lying around to spend on Nkandla. Yea South Africa is a much better place today.
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+George Steenkamp Well said !!!
+George Steenkamp "worse off today than during apartheid" what do you base this opinion on? The statistics show that the crime increase has mostly affected black South Africans, who are still the poorest. If you are getting your info from Hoffmeyer, multiple sources have shown his claims to be false. 
+truthforever1994 no m8 I get these stats from just watching the news. That is E-news, ANN7, and even the SABC news. I am not saying apartheid was a good system because frankly it wasnt. But you are sugercoating your new South Africa if you refuse to look at everything around you. Oh and I work with a lot of black people and I sometimes drop them off at their town ships after work. Trust me it is not a place where anyone would want to live. Even they say nothing has changed for them in the new South Africa. Meanwhile a few elite blacks are driving BMW's Audi's Mercides's etc and living in lavish housing by just scooping up tax payer money we pay. Sorry but the socalled Mandela dream evapirated long, long ago. But getting to your original point, have you ever listened to Die Stem. I mean the actual words? There is nothing offensive about it. Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer on the other hand ...
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+truthforever1994 You ARE kidding right ? EVERYBODY KNOWS Africacheck is totally unreliable . We KNOW the facts , we EXPERIENCE the facts . There are more middleclass blacks than the entire white population in SA , not to mention the corrupt fat cats stealing left,  right and center and you DARE mention poverty. Go tell your lies to gullible people. You wouldn`t know the TRUTH if it bit you in the ass . 
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i too have been shocked by all the positive feed back this video has been receiving. it just saddens me that people still have this mind set towards our country. 
... just like kill the boer kill the farmer offend me!
+Thabile Tununu I dare you to point out any verse in this song that is offensive, hate speach or discriminating. For goodness sake the first part of the song is in our national anthem. 
The present sorry state of affairs (affairs of state) in South Africa provides ample clear and irrefutable evidence and proof that the policy of separate freedoms and sovereignties in Apartheid South Africa was undeniably the most viable and realistic solution for the intractable problems of a unitary state in South Africa and that the introduction of universal suffrage is tantamount to the eternal perpetuation of universal suffering when one notes that the universal sufferers time and again vote for the same universal slaugterers.

To say that it was "...a time when the majority of our country were beaten daily and did not have the right to vote...", are such blatant lies that they make the angels weep: as far as being "beaten", the savageness of the natives was an important reason for the institution of apartheid and there was not one single adult who could not qualify for the right to vote in one or other of the already/proposed sovereign and independent states.

Even in Europe they are now slowly but surely realising that people prefer their natural national freedom and to be masters of their own destiny.